About Me

Faith, Family, and Career is the way I strive to live my life.

The song "Different" by Micah Tyler explains exactly how I want to be, "...when all of me is gone, and all that remains, is a fire so bright, the whole world can see, that they're something different in me." My goal is to serve others with the same compassion that Christ served people when he walked the earth.

My family is my world. I am married to my best friend of over 15 years. We finally got to say, "I Do" in May of 2020! I have 4 kiddos and we are expecting number 5 in 2023! Our youngest was diagnosed at 1.5 years old with Autism. She is nonverbal, but has a beautiful way of communicating.

Photography has been a passion of mine for years, but I finally decided to pursue it during the Pandemic when I needed to find a source of income while being home with my kids. I thought at first it would just be hobby job to do for fun, but the more shoots I did, the more I came home and just thought, "I really love doing this". My husband was 100% supportive and I made the scariest leap of my life- to run my own business. I invested in myself to get the training I needed to be the best photographer I can be. I was trained by Amy and Jordan Demos- some of the top photographers in the industry. Since then, I have been blessed with amazing clients and I love what I do. I've always had a creative side, and I get to let it shine through in my photography. I feel blessed that God has allowed me to use Photography as a creative outlet also while bringing in an income for my family.

*Family photo taken by Nicole Caldwell




"Coming Soon"